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High School Prep 101


Empower your middle schooler for high school success! Our tailored course imparts essential life skills and knowledge, from time management to goal-setting. Join us on the journey to personal growth and academic excellence. Enroll now and set the stage for a successful high school experience.

This course includes:
April 21st 4:00-5:30pm- Mindful Minds: How to manage your mind to perform at its best
May 12th 4:00-5:00pm- Optimized Organizer: Strategies to help you manage time, tasks, and tests
June 9th 2:00-3:00pm- Confident Communicator: Tips for talking to teachers, peers, and adults
June 23rd 2:00-3:00pm- Goal-Getter: Tips on how to set goals and develop the perseverance to see them
come to life
July 14th 2:00-3:00pm- Brainy Breakthroughs: How to develop skills to better solve problems
July 28th 2:00-3:00pm- Study Skills: Preparing students with the skills they need to be better learners
and achievers

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