February 24, 2023

Indiana’s Switch to the Statewide SAT Test

Indiana high school Juniors are getting ready to take the SAT test in early March. After years of using ISTEP to measure academic performance, the state of Indiana adopted the SAT as a replacement and tested juniors for the first time last year. For the second year in a row, Indiana Juniors will sit for the SAT during the school day as a required Indiana high school assessment. There are a few things that make this Indiana SAT different from the typical SAT students may have encountered.

But first, when did Indiana choose this new initiative? 

Indiana decided to switch from the ISTEP test to the College Board’s SAT three years ago. The initiative was delayed due to Covid and the first test was administered to juniors in the spring of 2022. As a replacement for ISTEP, the test is mandatory for all Indiana Juniors and administered at all high schools throughout the state during the school day. 

Is the Indiana SAT paper or digital? 

One interesting fact about the Indiana statewide SAT is the test’s digital format. The College announced last year that they will transition the traditionally paper-based test to digital by 2024, so Indiana students are among the first to try the new, digital version. Some students may be allowed to take the paper test but that will require an exemption. 

Student exemptions 

While all students will be required to sit for the Indiana SAT, students with 504 accommodations may be exempt from taking the online version of the test. Additionally, some students may receive additional time per their formal plan’s allowable accommodations. Our advisors at Class 101 recommend speaking with a high school guidance counselor early to learn about deadlines for requesting accommodations.

Why should students prepare for this test? 

There are many reasons why Juniors should prepare for the Indiana SAT. One of those reasons is that students can use the test scores they receive to fulfill their graduation requirements. This is also a great opportunity for students to take the SAT for FREE and have a test score ready when applications open on August 1st. We are encouraged to know that some students who may not otherwise have taken the SAT will now have a test score to use if they choose to do so. 

How to prepare for the Indiana Statewide SAT 

At Class 101, we know the difference a test prep course can make. Taking a test prep course is one of the best ways Indiana students can prepare for the statewide SAT and see their best possible score. The test will be given the first week of March, with a makeup test offered in April, so it’s best to prepare at the start of the year. 

We also recommend that students practice using their computer calculator – something most have rarely done before. Students will be permitted to use their computer calculator when taking the digital SAT, so it is best to spend a few minutes getting acquainted and comfortable using that feature. 

For additional resources, the state of Indiana recommends these free test preparation resources: 

● Be Data-Driven As You Prepare for the Indiana SAT 

● SAT College Board Student Webpage 

Are you SAT ready? 

We want students to go into the SAT confidently and we’re here to help. All of our Juniors are prepared and ready to tackle the Indiana Statewide SAT and to make the best use of their time and a free test! If you’re ready to let Class 101 partner with you on test preparation and your college goals, reach out to our experienced Class 101 advisors at one of our locations. 

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